photo of Grayhill Farm, reconstructed early 17th century farm

Staff Training

The company offers a staff training service in interpretative techniques such as first person interpretation and the development of characters, and in developing the historical background knowledge of staff.

Our customers include

  • Bosworth Battlefield Centre 1485: Providing the interpreters with a detailed insight into a wide range of aspects rural life, drawing on the hands on experimental work conducted by our team over 30 years.
  • Jamestown Virginia 1607: A series of talks providing the interpreters with a knowledge of English rural life, food, diet and clothing at the period of the founding of their colony.
  • Llancaiach Fawr 1645: A staff visit to our working period landscape to experience the period rural life that would have been known by the characters they reenact at Llancaich Fawr, accompanied by talks on relevant topics and visitor led question and answer sessions.
  • The Commandery Museum Worcester 1651: A résumé of first person interpretation techniques followed by One to One sessions developing the interpreter’s characters. This identified the knowledge the character ought to have and provided historically accurate answers to the questions they need to be able to answer.