photo of Grayhill Farm, reconstructed early 17th century farm

The Green Valley

The Green Valley otherwise known as Grayhill Farm or Bullace Hill, Monmouthshire.

Renovation of the entire 15.5 acre site to its late 16th early 17th century condition began in 1987. There are 30 fields in the 15 acres which have been returned to their historical land uses, hay meadows, pasture, woodland, arable, gardens and orchards.

Ten collapsed period buildings have been restored so far, from Longhouses to pig sties. Much of the 3 miles of field boundaries have been reinstated along with ponds and wells. The site provides the ideal background for film shoots and educational courses as well as the production of period foodstuffs. The site can be hired furnished and with period agricultural equipment. The traditional methods of production also make this a haven for wildlife.

If you enjoyed the series “Tales from the Green Valley” on BBC TV, we stock a book about the making of the series: The Building of The Green Valley; two recipe and cookery books: “Food and Cookery in the Green Valley” and a 2-disc DVD set.

The farm does double-duty as Bullace Farm where living history events are held every year with complete costumed demonstrations of rural life in the Tudor and Stuart periods for school parties and specialist groups.